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It's the weekend of the annual Garden State Sheep Breeders Association Festival. Sheep, fleece, and fiber. Four big (dare I say "huge") building with mostly sheep but also other animals raised for fiber. And even better there are vendors for near and as far away as the New England states and even the Southeast selling yarn and roving, already knit up socks and sweaters, buttons of every size and material. Fleeces for sale (after they're judged.) Demonstrations of assorted fiber crafts. So even people who don't keep livestock, have no intention of keeping livestock, perhaps uninterested in livestock, are very interested in yarn - perhaps you want Romney, or maybe Shetland, there's yarn for sale down to the level of breed specific wool.
Yarns in the lovely color range of the natural wool.
Roving, here in a beautiful rainbow array of colors.
Of course, the roving must be spun into yarn.
So used to spinning she can easily keep up a conversation
as the yarn smoothly flows through her fingers.
A rug hookers group has members peacefully at work
creating beautiful pictures with yarn.
There's a children's corner too, where this young gentleman
was costumed with woolly beard and cut out of a top hat.
A woodworker creating a spoon with a shaving horse.
No scrap of wood too small not to use, he said with a smile.
He makes shuttles and spoons and shawl pins.
Steven sells his wares at shows and on Etsy
Everything to do with sheep. Even a tattoo.
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